By Hetavii Shah
‘Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness’ has taken our world by a storm, as expected. The concept of a Multiverse inevitably seems like something that just elevates books and movies. But we must not let it slip our minds that the Multiverse might indeed be a very real and exciting possibility!

Seeing malicious counterparts to our beloved Doctor Strange and Wanda, along with speculations about an absurd parallel dimension with Tom Cruise as Ironman makes us ponder - could there be other versions of us out there in the vast depths of space and time? Well, we cannot rule out the possibility just yet!
To unravel the possibility of a Multiverse, we need to go back to where it all began. Most people think that The Big Bang was the beginning of the entire universe as we know it, but recent developments suggest otherwise. There are a considerable number of things about the Universe that the Big Bang cannot explain, but the recently developed theory of Cosmic Inflation can, and our physicists have proof.
According to the Cosmic Inflation theory, before the Big Bang, the Universe was filled with energy that was intrinsic to space itself, that caused space to expand at an incessant and exponential rate. But nothing lasts forever, and economics also teaches us that prolonged inflation is never good. Thus, at some point, the inflation would have ended, kickstarting the conversion of the energy into matter and energy, giving rise to The Big Bang. However, there’s more to the story - inflation doesn’t end everywhere at once, leading us to believe that our Universe might not be the only one in the boundless depths of space. As stated before, the observable Universe is limited, so there might be multiple regions of space where the end of inflation brings about a hot Big Bang, but we would unfortunately not be able to encounter it due to regions of floating space in between. So to sum up, unobservable parts of the Universe exist beyond the horizon, making the Multiverse seem like more than just a far-fetched idea!

M-Theory, which unifies all consistent versions of string theory, envisions a different kind of multiverse with 10 or 11 spacetime dimensions. String theory states that reality is made up of infinitesimal vibrating strings that are smaller than atoms, electrons and quarks. The theory unites general relativity and quantum mechanics and has remained a productive field of study for theoretical physicists due to its mathematical merit.
Another mind-bending theory about the Multiverse is Black Hole Cosmology which states that the observable Universe is actually the interior of a black hole, existing as one of many possible universes in a much larger parent Universe, or Multiverse.
The concept of the Multiverse gives rise to the Anthropic Principle, which states that our Universe has been finely tuned for conscious life to exist. A congruous combination of laws and fundamental parameters have permitted the existence of matter, astronomical objects like stars and planets, elemental diversity that can exist long enough for life to emerge and evolve. Basically, everything had to have been just right and precisely in place for us to exist.
The very thought of there being a Multiverse is enough to make our imagination run wild, but one of these theories might actually make this imagination a reality someday. As we dive deeper into the unknown, who knows what mystical and astounding wonders await us!